---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Poetry in America: The Poetry of Early New England<AmPoX.1-no-reply@courseupdates.edx.org> Date: Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 11:44 AM Subject: [Poetry in America: The Poetry of Early New England] Next Week To: scottlordnovelist@gmail.com
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Poetry in America: The Poetry of Early New England
Poetry in America: The Poetry of Early New England opens next week!
Just a reminder before we start that there are many ways of participating in this module. Some of you will choose to take a very active and connected approach, seeking a certificate, frequently participating in discussion forums, and using the interactive annotation tool to understand the poems. Others may want to read the poems and watch the videos, but otherwise to work through this module quite independently. We welcome all levels of participation. Treat this module as a free and open resource to use as you see fit!
In addition to the many free, not-for-credit options, we are now offering the option to take this module for Harvard credit through the Harvard Extension School. Registration for that option is open through September 9: learn more and sign up here if you're interested, and send any questions to instructor John Radway at jnradway@fas.harvard.edu.
I look forward to seeing you as we begin our study of the Poetry of Early New England.
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